Charlotte, N.C. – Be prepared for the games of the DNC over the Ginsburg vacancy on the Supreme Court. For over the last 3.5 years, liberal-democrats and socialist squad members of the left have continually attacked, personally and professionally, the actions of Donald Trump. From the start, they cannot get over the fact that he won against the carpet-bagging Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Since Trump’s inauguration, Joe Biden, led by Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the rest of the liberal-gang have been slinging their socialistic-slurs of hatred up and down the halls of Congress. With their hatred on full display and exacerbated and inflamed by the morons of liberal mainstream media, the goal from the beginning was to get Trump, at any cost.
Americans have paid the ultimate cost of Democratic deceptions and evil actions. Democrats since 2016, have prepared and paved a way to steal their way back into The White House – and now, they are just down-right mad that their games of playing politics have come back to haunt them.
In 2016, Americans made their voices heard by electing Donald Trump as President and ensuring a Republican-majority in the Senate. Per our Constitution, the United States the President has a duty and obligation to provide nominations to the Senate for consideration to the Supreme Court.
Senate Republicans didn’t honor Obama a vote on his nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016 – and they didn’t have to. The U.S. Constitution states that a President has the right and duty to nominate Supreme Court justices, and the Senate has the right and responsibility to vote on those nominations if they choose. In 2016, Senate Republicans had enough of Obama’s destruction within our nation’s democracy.
President Trump announced that he would indeed nominate a woman to replace a woman on the Supreme Court. The White House has zeroed in on judges Amy Coney Barrett of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and Barbara Lagoa of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Both women are highly qualified and exemplify Americans’ conservative values in 2016 when they elected Donald Trump to The White House and ensured Republican-majority in the Senate.
But now, oh how we await the women who will attack either of these women personally and professionally. You see, for the left, they are only in favor of empowering women if the women share their liberal and socialistic principles.
No matter who Trump selects, the left has made it clear that they will stop at nothing to disrupt the process. Over the weekend, Joe Biden said that “he should choose the replacement of Justice Ginsburg.” Joe Biden forgets, like most things, that he has yet to win the 2020 Presidential Election.
According to the political pundits of ABC News, according to Justice Ginsburg’s granddaughter, Clara Spera, Ginsburg dictated her final statement preceding her death – “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Of course, there are significant issues here.
First, many Republicans, including Trump, argue the truthfulness of this statement – despite Ginsburg’s grandaughter saying she recorded it.
There is no denying that Justice Ginsburg’s disapproval and disdain for Donald Trump – if you remembered in 2016, it was Ginsburg that called Trump a “faker,” and said that, “He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He has an ego.
Ginsburg went on to say, “I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president.”
And there you go, folks – Justice Ginsburg hated Trump and everything about him. If those indeed are the final words, they further illustrate her hatred, for she says that her seat on the Court should not be filled until a new president is installed. She is saying that Trump should not win in 2020, and therefore, has no business nominating.
As Republicans and Americans, we have the right, we have the votes, and we will move forward. Democrats have been playing politics to rid Trump for 3.5 years. Now, politics will dump them into 40 years of despair and bring conservative control to our nation’s highest court in our land.
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