Charlotte, N.C. — 111 days ago, Joe Biden assumed the Office of the presidency, and since then, nearly 6-trillion dollars of spending has been allocated or now sits before congressional review. Joe Biden, in efforts to undo the policies of Donald Trump, has seen his administration embattled in turmoil over the current nation’s border security and a rising unemployment rate. And now, a gas shortage that will wreak havoc on our nation’s fragile economy — massed with stay-at-home unemployment benefits keeping Americans from working.
Over the last three months, fuel prices have increased over 50-cents, leaving the Biden Administration excusing the surge due to increased demand. Under the Trump Administration, gas prices remained low, with need, high. The reason, Donald Trump ensured that domestic oil and natural gas production remained a top priority for our nation’s solvency and security.
When Joe Biden “The Moderate” took office, he ensured the closing of The Keystone Pipeline, which left over 11,000 Americans unemployed and left to hear Press Secretary and the President stating that new and better jobs awaited them. So far, those jobs cease to exist. But what has occurred is over a 6.5% unemployment rate for America and a litany of “Now Hiring” signs stretched from town to town and coast to coast.
Americans have to pay more for what they need, from the fast-food orders to food on the family’s dinner table. Construction costs are at an all-time high, leaving people unable to sustain their newly acquired home loans into the following year when the housing market is sure to bottom. Home values are insane at the moment, and big banks again will be standing in line for governmental handouts when their occupants and mortgage holders are unable to pay their notes — shades of an Obama-2008.
But no worries folks, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have a plan — although no one else in America has a clue what that is. Our nation has hidden behind a virus; remanufactured and mitigated markets to fit a liberal agenda. Democratic lawmakers have printed more money than our nation and our nation’s grandchildren will ever be able to repay.
Our country is communist-bound; it has to be, for a country cannot continue on this path of mismanaging money. Folks, this is just the beginning — inflation will occur, and everyone will pay more for simply existing in the United States of America. Perhaps that is Biden’s plan all along on our nation’s southern border? In a Biden Administration, bodies matter — as long as they pay. And if they don’t, others will pay and pave the way regardless of $400k yearly earnings — meanwhile, the next generation of a liberal is born.
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