Charlotte, NC – Across America, millions of families face immediate eviction from their homes and apartments, as the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) eviction ban ends Saturday, July 31. On Thursday, President Biden begged Congress to take action, citing that he lacked the authority to change or overrule the previous Supreme Court ruling allowing for only a one-month extension of the current eviction moratorium.
With Congress set to vacate Washington DC for a summer recess during August, Democrats and liberal media pundits are demanding congressional and even unilateral action to keep Americans in their homes.
For Biden and the Democratic Party, more help is needed, despite the federal eviction moratorium being in effect since March 2020 under the CARES Act. For over a year and a half, millions of Americans have spent nothing on house or rent payments, despite receiving a stimulus and other federal subsidy payments. The money freely given by Democrats for many has instead gone to elective purchases such as cars, clothing, and electronics.
Despite the continued liberal narrative of an apocalyptic end to all due to the Delta variant strain of the COVID-19 virus, the American economy remains strong. Over 94% percent of able working Americans maintain employment and have seen staggering pay increases as businesses across the country pay more as they desperately look to increase their workforce.
For Joe Biden and the Democrats, they look to continue to hide behind the COVID-19 virus and pay the American people to be subservient to their ever-changing and Marxist demands. For over a year and a half, those Americans wishing to maintain their homes have had every chance to do so. For those who chose to spend rather than save, it is high time to be booted from the nest.
There is no doubt that Biden and his fellow members of the new American Socialist Party will try a last-ditch effort to keep voting members of their plan in their homes for the foreseeable future. But as Americans, the responsible ones, we should look to demand that nothing in the world is free, and that includes room and board.
Since the federal income tax implementation nearly a century ago, the Democratic Party has intentionally expanded its socialistic stranglehold on our nation’s citizens in their attempt to further their scope of a welfare state.
Today’s attempts by the progressive-left has nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic, just as their actions have never been in favor of support abortion, gun rights, or universal healthcare. Instead, today’s Democrats want to pay for total submission from society, with many to do anything for another governmental handout.
While it is not clear what direction Democrats, headed by Joe Biden, will do between now and Saturday’s eviction moratorium expiration, one thing is for sure – their continued efforts of buying favor and allegiance have just begun.
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