Phoenix, AZ — “The vertical separation of powers in the Constitution makes it clear that the power of the Sheriff even supersedes the powers of the President. Furthermore, it is this responsibility that grants a Sheriff the Constitutional authority to check and balance all levels of government within the jurisdiction of the County.”—states the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA).
Last week’s unconstitutional Biden edict is in motion and it’s time for the people to resist the tyrant’s decree.
If you haven’t noticed over the last year and a half, the political, judicial and bureaucratic class is corrupt. Don’t count on any politician to protect your liberty, and don’t count on your church either.
Sure, some Republican governors have vowed to file lawsuits, but talk is cheap. Look at their actions. As of right now, Montana is the only state that has banned “vaccine” passports and “vaccine” mandates by both the government and private businesses, specifically for any jab that under an emergency use authorization or is under safety trials.
Neither the government nor your boss has the right to violate your personal liberty. When you signed up to take a job, you did not sign up to be a slave. You promised to do the job, and your employer promised to compensate. That’s it.
Arizona has filed the first lawsuit against the Biden regime, but remember that Arizona was listing all deaths as COVID-19 deaths, no matter the cause, to get that federal taxpayer money. So, Arizona is capable of abandoning ethics for a price.
And even with a lawsuit being filed, don’t count on the courts. Just ask the hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers who are facing dishonorable discharge because Raymond P. Moore, a circuit court judge, says the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is the only authority regarding your medical health. As Brian Shilhavy writes: “Again, to expect relief from COVID-19 vaccine mandates from the judiciary is just not reasonable. The system is rigged. They will quote the CDC, Anthony Fauci, and a whole host of other corrupt government agencies and leaders to deny facts and keep the COVID-19 narrative going that benefits the Pharmaceutical industry and their Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers.”
That judge should be removed from the bench immediately. Your liberty is not based on data, whether you trust the data or not.
“It doesn’t matter if these vaccines are effective or not. It doesn’t matter if masks are effective or not …. Your statistical analysis does not equate to Constitutionality,” said Richard Mack, former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona and founder of the CSPOA.
Make no mistake, you are responsible for standing up for your own liberty. Regarding these mandates, Life Site News has provided resources to help you resist.
However, if one elected office can help you, it’s the sheriff. As Sheriff David Hathaway of Santa Cruz County, Arizona said, the role of the sheriff is “preserving people’s freedoms …. I don’t want to run anybody’s life.” Right after taking office in January, state and local officials came to strong arm Hathaway into mandating the jab in his office, and he said no because he did not have authority.
Hathaway has also noted the sheriff can arrest anyone who violates the Constitutional rights of anyone in his county including politicians and bureaucrats, including governors and presidents.
On Sept. 13, just four days after the Biden dictate, Sheriff Damon Devereaux of Logan County, Oklahoma posted that he would not enforce the unlawful orders. He wrote that the political class has done nothing but divide Americans with lockdowns and mask mandates since March of 2020, and this new mandate will do nothing but further divide us.
“As law enforcement officers, our first and foremost duty, and what we all swear an oath to do, is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma,” Devereaux wrote. “It is in that defense and the defense of individual liberty, that the Logan County Sheriff’s Office HAS NOT, AND WILL NOT mandate the COVID vaccine for any of our employees as long as I am the Sheriff. Just like the flu shot, our employee’s choice to get vaccinated, or not, is theirs and theirs alone, and I respect their decisions.”
Devereaux added: “I am not pro-vaccine, nor anti-vaccine. I am pro-freedom for each person’s ability and responsibility to decide for themselves …. It’s time for our politicians and other public servants to take a stand and remember their first responsibility is to protect the people’s rights, NOT TO RUN THEIR LIVES!!!”
It’s long past time to resist. While you’re resisting, contact your sheriff and demand they defend your rights.
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