Rome, Italy — The Italian government made the decision to adopt the toughest COVID passport rules in the world. Starting Friday, Italian workers will be required to show proof of a COVID vaccine, having recovered from COVID, or a test in the past 48 hours just to attend work. They call the COVID passport the Green Pass certificate.
The Green Pass is required already for teachers and students. It is required to eat indoors, go to the movies, or attend sporting events. But the step of requiring the Green Pass in order to go to work will affect almost 23 million workers.
The AFP is reporting that 10% of the nation’s workforce is unvaccinated and would require proof of recovery from the vaccine or a recent COVID test in the past 48 hours. Those COVID tests are required to be paid for by the employee. There’s just one problem.
Italy does not have the testing capacity to test 2.5 million workers every other day in order for them to go to work. The move is expected to lead to mass work outages as employees are unable to work awaiting their tests. It will be a massive blow to the Italian economy, which makes many across this world happy.
Especially in America where Democrats are watching closely. They are moving towards a similar action here in the United States. The Biden regime has already mandated federal workers, healthcare workers, and is working towards a mandate for employers with over 100 employees. To avoid the mandate, employees would be required to test here in the U.S. as well.
It seems that many who fall under the Biden mandate are already fighting back. Southwest Airlines has continued to have staffing issues amid reports that their pilots and mechanics are refusing to comply with King Biden’s orders. Many across the country have said they would rather face termination than comply with Biden’s mandate. This is just the beginning.
Private business has started to push the 100 worker initiative, even though an official requirement has not been made. Employees will face mandatory testing or mandatory vaccines if they want to continue to work. Can you imagine if the order was pushed to extend to all of the over 159 million workers in the U. S.?
Recently, the White House said that 20% of Americans have not taken the vaccine. If that number holds true in the workforce, that would be over 30 million American workers who would face weekly testing or be unable to work. In an economy that is already struggling to find workers, that would send us into an absolute meltdown.
That is exactly what the Biden regime is working toward and wants. They want workers unable to work without complying with government mandates and requirements.
So far, the federal government has refrained from forcing some type of vaccine proof to attend events. Do not think for one second that they do not have that on their agenda.
On the surface, Joe Biden has said he does not support a vaccine passport. Yet, in requiring workers to show proof of a vaccine in order to work, is that not the same thing? Joe Biden does not care what industry you work in, you are being forced to share your personal health decisions with employers. That is a passport requirement.
The next step for the Biden regime is to roll this out to all workers across the country, no matter the size of the business. They will not call it a Green Pass, but something similar is coming. When it does, it will allow the Democrats to plunge our nation into the government-owned and operated nation that they want it to be.
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