Portland, OR — On Friday, Oregon Dad Jared Schmeck made headlines as he was on a Christmas call with the Biden’s. He ended the call by using the conservative phrase ‘Let’s go Brandon’ to which Joe Biden famously said he agreed.
While mainstream media outlets showed the media footage of the events, the dad and his family recorded their side and have posted to YouTube for anyone to view.
Since the video and statement he made became famous, Schmeck says that he has been facing threats since. He told The Oregonian that the phone call threats were vague, but the violation of his privacy has not been.
Schmeck told The Oregonian that he is not a Trumper, but that he believes Biden could do so much more. He, like many other Americans, believes that Biden is failing the nation with his radical agenda and that Americans deserve better. That obviously set off the radical left.
On Twitter, his name was trending on Sunday morning as the radical left started their Twitter assault. They have researched his name, finding that he works with his father and that his father’s company has taken PPP loans. They followed that by describing potential child tax credits he may have received for his four children.
Radical activists on Twitter then asked how much more he wanted Biden to do. Apparently, they forgot that Biden did not pass the PPP program, Trump did. The radical leftists railed on him for using his “kid’s call” to attack their beloved puppet King Biden.
Other Twitter radicals started arguing for the company to dismiss Schmeck for violating the companies code of conduct. At the time, Schmeck was not at work and was not operating as a representative of the company. That does not stop the radical left from their march against him, however.
Schmeck said that he was simply using his first amendment right to freedom of speech. The woke left Twitter warriors said that’s not how it works. They say that he cannot say this to the sitting president because that is not what is protected by the First Amendment. Thankfully, it is!
They attacked his person, attacked his Christian faith, and continue to attack his dad’s company, all because Schmeck said something against their puppet president. They want to threaten him behind phone calls, keyboards, and cellphones. None of this should surprise any of us, however.
Schmeck has tried to scale back the attacks by saying he was simply joking. But that is not going to work for the woke left. They will not stop until he faces some sort of punishment. I’m surprised the Department of Justice is not already looking into potential charges against him.
Let’s be honest, we can be absolutely sure that the FBI is already looking into his phone records and investigating him. It did not take more than a simple text message from Biden and his handlers to get something started with the FBI.
I do not know Jared Schmeck, but I can assure you that the radical left had no issue with anyone saying harsh words toward Donald Trump. They did not hide it behind a slogan, they said it outright. But now, they have a problem with this and are out for blood in the hunt of Jared Schmeck. I agree with Kimberly Klacik, I wish I had the time to worry about a phone call and besides, since when are the Democrats worried about victims?
There are people really upset over #JaredSchmeck saying “Let’s Go Brandon” to Biden on the phone?
First, I wish I had the luxury to worry about a phone call. Easy living.
Second, it’s a victimless crime & the Democrat Party doesn’t currently acknowledge those, remember?
— Kimberly Klacik (@kimKBaltimore) December 26, 2021
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