Charlotte, NC — Over the last two years, our government and governments around the world have not let the COVID-19 crisis go to waste as the spy state has expanded exponentially.
Keep in mind, a lot of this Big Brother program has been on the agenda for years, long before the COVID scam began.
As I wrote earlier this week, the government is looking to install speed cameras across the country. Of course, this will lead to government theft of the peoples’ money, but it also lends to adding to the already massive spy apparatus for the government to track and monitor us all.
That proposal has not yet been passed, but was has is the government’s kill switch of vehicles. That came under the infrastructure bill by the Biden regime, which of course had bipartisan support because both parties want to control us.
The bill states that all new cars, trucks and SUVs made after 2026 must have a kill switch for police to “passively monitor the performance of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”
“As expected, the details are disconcertingly vague, which leaves the government with a wide berth to sow the seeds of mischief and mayhem. For instance, nowhere does the legislation indicate how such a so-called ‘kill switch’ would work, what constitutes a driver who is ‘impaired,’ and what ‘other purposes’ might warrant the government using such a backdoor kill switch,” wrote John and Nisha Whitehead.
Eric Peters wrote: “Of course it is being sold as another ‘safety’ device — which by this late date ought to raise the alarm within the mind of any person not yet ‘vaccinated’ into dullardness, because it means — as it always means — control wrested away from you in favor of them, i.e, the people who control the apparatus of government, which is the means by which we are controlled.”
On the “vaccine” front, David Leach writes for the Strident Conservative of the microchips now in use in Sweden. He writes that the “microchip technology invented by Swedish startup company ‘Epicenter’ is being presented as a way for people to carry their COVID vaccine passport as an implant under their skin.” Leach notes this will be used to implement a cashless society and social credit system.
And such technology has been in the works for American for many years. In 2016, the U.S. Navy met with Zoltan Istvan, the Transhumanist Party presidential candidate, who promoted microchipping Americans to “boost brain power or enhance physical attributes.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if within ten years 50 percent of Americans have some type of implant, because at the end of the day an implant can reduce the size of your wallet or whatever you carry in your purse by about 30 or 40 percent,” Istvan said. “The U.S. Navy is interested in implants of course because they want to know where their soldiers are in the field, and it’s not always useful to have a tracking device strapped onto the wrist or to their clothing.”
Meanwhile, Pfizer is colluding with the American and Chinese governments to create a digital “vaccine” passport and social credit system, and our government is building a database to track Christians who refuse the jab. Other databases to track the jabbed have been proposed federally and implemented at the state level.
Gun databases are also afoot as the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms acknowledged this week it had a billion firearm purchase records. Oh, and low and behold, the Biden regime came out this week announcing a big new gun grab initiative.
Here’s one out of the strange category as Big Pharma wants to monitor us with “smart” toilet seats.
The criminal outfit called the Internal Revenue Service is now demanding Americans send in selfies for facial recognition in order to file taxes electronically.
In 2020, the Director of National Intelligence acknowledged that Section 215 of the decades old PATRIOT Act was used to track the websites visited by Americans and to conduct warrantless spying on smartphones. Section 215, despite the Republicans fighting to make it permanent, did expire, but recently we learned the government spooks continue this illegal and immoral spy activity, according to The Hill.
Similar spy activity is going on around the world. Zero Hedge reported that Israel’s government has used Pegasus spyware to spy on Israelis, including admittedly spying on behalf of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for political purposes. Canada has been spying on 90% of its citizens cellphones to track their movements and determine if they were following the COVID-19 dictates.
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