There is nothing the far left enjoys more than power over others. Controlling you is the only thing that matters to them. Of course, they will never tell you that. Instead, they disguise their quest for power by insisting that you give up your rights for “the common good.”
Take smoking. Everybody knows smoking is harmful, so if you care about your health, you won’t smoke. However, liberals will not leave this choice up to you. Instead, they will insist that your smoking endangers their health. “Secondhand smoke,” a liberal invention, is not harmful unless you are a child growing up in a household of heavy smokers. People smoking at a nearby restaurant table will not hurt you, and if a cigarette smoke bothers you, there is a non-smoking section. But liberals keep insisting that if you smoke anywhere within 200-mile radius of them, you are giving them lung cancer. So, they want smoking completely banned.
Then, there are “preferred pronouns.” Nobody objects to you using whatever pronouns you like if that makes you happy. You can inform people close to you about pronouns you would like to be referred by when you are not around. You’d think that’s reasonable, but you’d be wrong. Whenever a liberal decides to pick a new pronoun (which nowadays is not as rare as you would expect) the commotion they create on social media is bigger than a pregnancy announcement. And if they happen to be a celebrity – well, G-d help us all because that’s a 5-day news story. Not only they make us aware of their new pronouns, but they also demand that everybody memorizes every single one of the pronouns they choose. If you happen to miss one, you are guilty of “misgendering,” inflicting “serious mental harm,” and “killing trans kids.”
Next, they demand that every department store in town builds a “gender neutral” department. A five-year-old boy can handle a site of girl’s clothing while his mom is shopping for his little sister. But a 25-year-old Silicon Valley resident claims that seeing pants that do not “conform to thy gender” cause him severe PTSD. So, every store in town must invest millions of dollars to build “gender neutral” sections for the mentally fragile underwater basket weaving major who has trouble figuring out what gender they are every morning.
Then there is the issue of “misinformation.” Nobody likes it. Aside from CNN viewers, people don’t like to be lied to – so they are trying to find the sources they trust, to the best of their ability. But liberals know better. Not only they want every statement on social media “fact checked,” but they also want to prevent you from seeing information they don’t deem trustworthy. You are not smart enough to decide for yourself. They can’t stand you being “misinformed.” You must consume the same sources they do – for your own good.
Covid sent liberals on a new power quest. Everybody must do what they are told, or “people die.” Every time you come out without a mask a grandma disappears. If you are young and healthy and spending a day in bed should Covid strike doesn’t sound scary, think of all the grannies you kill by not getting that vaccine. Even after four-time-vaxxed Kamala got Covid (and a side effect of uncontrollably laughing at random times), they still keep insisting that everybody gets a booster every month – “because there is no reason not to!”
Liberals cannot rest until they take over every institution Americans enjoy and put their own stamp on it. But they just got a taste of their own medicine, and it is bitter.
One day, the richest guy in the world woke up and noticed that his morning Babylon Bee issue was gone – Twitter banned the satirical website for “misinformation.” There were a couple of easy ways to fix this. You could go to Babylon Bee website and subscribe. If you are that rich, you could even have Babylon Bee printed and delivered to your mailbox. But Elon Musk decided that personal solutions to the problem were just too small. Twitter censorship was not Elon’s personal problem any longer – it was a problem for humanity. So, he took over liberals’ favorite playground and promised to rebuild it according to his own standards.
All hell broke loose. Elon Musk is the only hope the liberals have to save the world from “climate change,” because Tesla is the only electric vehicle that works. But liberals would rather burn the Earth than give up control – so Elon became public enemy number one.
“Billionaires cannot control the means of information!” – screamed the billionaires who have always controlled the means of information. Suddenly, they must share that power with the guy who is not “part of the club.” They remind me of a swells sitting at the airport lounge sipping Don Perignon, whispering about a hippie at the next table only to realize it’s Bob Dylan.
To paraphrase “Evita:”
Elon hasn’t learned the lines you’d like to hear,
He won’t join your clubs, he won’t dance in your halls.
The only superpower given to a human being is money. The more you have, the more you control. You control information. You control fashion trends. You control people. You even control elections.
Money gives you power. The left knows it. That is why they want to take your money away from you. They don’t want you to have control over your life. Poor people are at their mercy. If you are poor, they can control your diet, your living situation, your travel patterns. You have no choice but to take what they give you. And you vote for whoever gives you the most. If you are poor, you do what you are told – and that is the way they want.
Wealth gives you the power to change the world. You can use your wealth to help people achieve peace and prosperity, like Donald Trump did. Or you can use your wealth to usher in an era of misery, chaos, and cultural degeneration, as Mark Zuckerberg did. You can use your wealth to control people’s thoughts by pushing your ideology on them, or you can liberate people by giving them information that they need to make their own decisions.
But ask yourself this: if you feel the need to control other people, how confident are you in your own beliefs? Control over others is the purview of the tyrants with failed ideas that enslave others, but ultimately enslave those who espouse them. Elon Musk has the power to silence his loudest critics – but he is comfortable enough in his beliefs to let them run wild. Elon may be one rare example of a truly free man.