Betsy McCaughey

Betsy McCaughey

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of "The Next Pandemic," available at Amazon.com. Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.

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Devotionals from Another Well Ministries

Live according to the truth

As Christians, our desire should be that any aspect of God's word that enters our lives is based on the truth. [...]

Terrors and Arrows

We don't have to fear the things that may happen at night, or the arrows that may arise during our days because we have God! [...]

Something special about a mother

Maybe your mother was not perfect, but there is still something special about a mother.  [...]